Frequently Asked Questions

What is the DCDC treatment model?

The DCDC treatment model has two tracks that revolve around the value of pairing evidence-based treatment protocols with judicial supervision. Participants are held to accountability, work, and steady effort toward recovery. The First Track is a treatment program with five phases over 24 months, and responds to the needs of drug-addicted defendants assessed at moderate to high-moderate risk of recidivism. The program includes intensive outpatient services (often housing), a criminal and addictive thinking curriculum, backed by four phases relapse-prevention and education programming, life skills, employment, and supervision.

The Second Track is a treatment program that takes place over 24 months, and engages drug-addicted defendants assessed at moderate risk of recidivism and present with “protective-factors”, such as employment history, stable residence, and fewer than three felony convictions over the last 10 years. The program includes one phase of intensive outpatient services; two phases of outpatient relapse-prevention and education programming, life skills, and supervision; and 12 months of aftercare services and recovery maintenance.


What is the referral and screening process?

Participants may be referred by any number of sources, including judges, defense and prosecuting attorneys, pretrial services and probation officers, community programs, and even family members. The screening process typically takes between 10 and 14 days. Referrals are made by contacting the DCDC program office and submitting a brief referral form. Disqualifying criteria include presenting charges and felony convictions involving violence or drug dealing; unresolved “holds” or pending cases in other jurisdictions (the DCDC is amenable to working with other jurisdictions, but requires agreement on pending charges prior to enrollment); and medical, mental health, or intellectual challenges that preclude full, successful participation in a fast-paced, cognitive behavioral program. All candidates will receive a clinical and standardized assessment that indicates “appropriateness” for DCDC services.

Enrollment decisions are subject to approval by the DCDC presiding judge and interdisciplinary team. Importantly, candidates screening and assessment information are protected and confidential (!).


What is the enrollment procedure?

Enrollment for the First and Second Track requires candidates to plead guilty to their presenting charge(s) without conviction (post-plea/pre-conviction) and sign a contract detailing program expectations and rules. Upon successful completion of the program, an order is issued deeming the case nolle prosequi (vacated/dismissed) (!).


What happens when someone isn’t successful in the program?

In the event that a participant fails to complete the program or is discharged, he/she is formally convicted and sentenced.

Candidates are enrolled in the program with the expectation of treatment success and the interdisciplinary team is prepared to commit significant time and energy to working with motivated individuals, who are serious about changing their lives. Grounds for discharge include violation of the law or failure to comply with the DCDC contract, which requires honesty, hard work, and accountability.


What is the program capacity?

The current program census of both Tracks is approximately 125 active participants